The Great Spreading Oak

Full information about Establishment The Great Spreading Oak at Renfields, Haywards Heath, England RH16 4TF. Find the address of the company, the phone for communication, opening hours, feedback from customers and employees, as well as other information.


Renfields, Haywards Heath, England RH16 4TF
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+44 7802 162275



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The Great Spreading Oak

Reviews about The Great Spreading Oak

  • Lorraine Maynard
    ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
    This giant English Oak (Quercus robur) is believed to be at least 350 years old and could well have been living when Oliver Cromwell ruled.
    It is a fine example of a veteran tree, with a huge trunk and an enormous spreading canopy. Ancient trees often have rotting stems and dead limbs, which result in a diversity of micro-habitats suitable for many organisms. Some of the organisms are so specialist they are confined to veteran trees. An old oak may shelter many rare and threatened species, as well as hundreds of other plants and insects.

    Great care went into making sure that the tree still receives the same amount of run-off water as it did from the fields, and that its roots were protected during the building works. It is now up to you to ensure its survival. Compacting of the soil by trampling will do great harm.
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